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Realtor® Tools: Informed Buyer Package

Realtor® Tools: Informed Buyer Package

Realtor® Tools: Informed Buyer Package

© Gabriel Blaj ID 6839332 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Realtors® nowadays face more competition than ever. Not only do they compete against other Realtors®, but now with the Internet, homeowners have more tools to sell their homes themselves with homebuyers easily finding them. More and more, you find signs of homes being sold “by the owner”, allowing them to cut costs from hiring a Realtor®.

Yet it is this same technology that is providing Realtors® with more and more tools to help them be more productive and competitive. This can often result in a much higher net profit at the end of the day with Realtors® more than covering their cost. A tool that Realtors® should have these days is a digital information package.

Typically, this is divided into two different packages: a buyer package and a Seller Package. This blog post will focus on the buyer package. A buyer information package is a summary about who you are and the services you offer to your buyer clients. It is basically a package introducing yourself to a new or potential client and helps to convince them to use you rather than one of the other many Realtors® available. Testimonials from other clients, specifically buyers, should be included, as well as any unique services or benefits you have to offer. It should be designed in such a way that reflects you and your target clients. Generally, information is laid out in point form with graphics and images to complement the text for easy readability.

It should be tailored to your style and your clients. Some may be very simple and direct while other prefer to have artistic designs and complete with graphics and striking colours. What’s most important is that through this, you could establish a positive relationship with the client.
An example you can download is available here: Informed Buyer Package.

If you would like a copy in powerpoint format that you can edit, send an email to

After designing your buyer package, there are several ways of using it. Typically, you would print this off and hand it out to your client if you are meeting in person. You could also send it to their email prior to meeting, just so they can learn more about you and then nudge them to meeting you in person.

It is also a good idea to have them available and downloadable on your personal website. As prospective clients navigate through your site, they could find this package and have more material to evaluate you. These days, with the Internet and websites being more accessible than ever, it is never a bad idea to have more useful content and let the clients find you. Remember, these packages are marketing materials and will help sell you to clients, making your job just a little bit easier.

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